Allen Solly

  • 1200-1500 Sq.ft
    Area Req
  • 50-60 Lakh
    Investment Size
  • 250+
    No. Of Franchise Outlets
  • 1993
    Establishment Year

Category: Fashion

Subcategory: Men's Clothing

Allen Solly is a premium clothing brand from the house of Aditya Birla owned Madura Fashion and Lifestyle. It was introduced in India in 1993 as a Friday Dressing brand.


North Pan India
South Pan India
East Pan India
West Pan India
Central Pan India
Union Territories Pan India

Commenced Operations

Operations Commenced On 1993
Franchise Commenced On 1993

Franchise Details

Investment 50-60 Lakh
Franchise/Brand Fee INR Deposit
No. Of Franchise Outlets 250+
Royalty/Commission -
Establishment Year 1993


Anticipated percentage return on investment none%
Likely pay back period of capital for a Unit Franchise 2 to 2.6 years
Other investment requirements 50-60 Lakh
Type of property required for this franchise opportunity Commercial
Floor area requirement 1200-1500 Sq.ft
Preferred location of unit franchise outlet -
Detailed operating manuals for franchisees Y
Franchisee training location -
Is field assistance available for franchisee ? Y
Expert guidance from Head Office to franchisee in opening the franchise Y
Do you have a standard franchise agreement? Y
How long is the franchise term for? 5 YEARS
Is the term renewable? Y